Our Cookbook Blog

Our Cookbook ~ What We Cook, is a compilation of every recipe we (Janice and Carissa) cook - recipes from our cookbook collections, our recipe boxes, and our heads! We set up this blog for friends and family who have our cookbook to let them see pictures we post of the recipes in the book, and also for us to note any corrections, revisions, or additions to What We Cook. We encourage people who are cooking our recipes to let us know how the recipes turn out and any suggestions they might want to make.

In addition, we will be sharing some of our new recipes (along with pictures) that are not in our cookbook. We hope you will help us out and test recipes and give us your comments.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Random Cooking Hints

I just thought I'd pass on a few random cooking tips for you. I have tried all sorts of things to keep my eyes from watering while I am chopping onions up. I finally found the perfect thing! Unfortunately it only works if you have a gas burner...this is almost reason enough to get a gas stove installed....that is just how great this method works!! Put your cutting board right next to a burner that is on high. The flame pulls / sucks the surrounding oxygen towards the flame taking along with it all the tear causing onion fumes! It works every time!
The other tip is one I just read in a cooking magazine the other day. How many times have you toasted up some bread or maybe a bagel then tried to slice rock hard butter to spread on your delicate toast?? Well, if you just use a cheese slicer it is PERFECT! The slicer makes nice thin slices that melt as soon as they hit the hot bread. Where was this tip my whole life?? I have torn many slices of toast trying to spread cold butter.

That is all for now...I hope everyone has a good weekend! --Carissa

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